“All through the life of a pure-minded but feeble-bodied man, his path is lined with memory’s gravestones, which mark the spots where noble enterprises perished, for want of physical vigor to embody them in deeds.”

We talked about explosive horsepower before… But the horse is an even better metaphor for this pillar, not only strong, but able to walk and run all day. The backbone of all armies back in the day, not only armies, but industrial work as well. THE WORKHORSE. Plowing, pulling, running, delivering. Almost as good as a Toyota.

This pillar is really about us being able to build. To build ourselves up, and establish our families and the Kingdom of God. Long workdays are ahead, there’s firewood to chop, sleepless nights. Many souls depend on us as fathers. We need to be able to go without slowing down.

So we build this work capacity. Hiking, with weights. Uphill climbs. Long medium intensity work. Constant labor. Running, rowing, biking. Train your body to perform under fatigue and despite any conditions. That way when the test of life comes we are able to bear the load.